More Snow

Today's run was only 5 miles but it was tough going. With the snow over knee deep in places it was at times more of a yomp (is that a word) than a run. Slow, hard work, but fun. Definitely no chance of any speedwork but good for working on that knee lift. I May have to run up to the gym and do some faster work on the treadmill if this lasts much longer.

Cut Throat Lane

Derwent Walk

Derwentcote Steel Furnace - built early 18th century

River Derwent near Blackhall Mill


Terry Lonergan said…
Some interesting shots, Alan. You have certainly had it much worse than we have. But take care not to make that hamstring problem any worse. I'm feeling min after yesterday's hill session. have a good weekend, Terry
Alan Dent said…
Thanks Terry - must admit hamstring aching a bit but luckily still seems to be improving. Have a good weekend too