"I want to do proper exercise, for an hour at a time, and I want it to hurt"
I read this quote in an article written by Hugh Wilson and thought - Yes, I know where you are coming from and probably like most of you reading this - I agree!
The article in question is a comment on recent scientific research that suggests 'micro-workouts' are the way forward. Last year, there was quite a bit of publicity surrounding the 2 minute workout. The theory being that 2 x 1 minute bursts of intense exercise, three times a week would help develop anaerobic capacity along with reducing the risk of type two diabetes.
Now, it appears, that research carried out by Dr Izumi Tabata shows that only 160 seconds a day of hard effort can increase both anaerobic capacity and VO2 Max.
The weather lately may not have been the best, with biting winds thundering in from the East, bringing snow and freezing conditions to what is supposed to be Spring and the beginning of British Summertime this weekend. But my 50 minute run across the snow clad fields, as the Siberian wind whipped about my ears on Monday evening was both exhilarating and satisfying.
What about those runs on a balmy summers evening or those tough sessions that fill you with a sense of achievement, once completed or the camaraderie and competition generated by a group run? There may be a place for quick bursts of exercise, but no, I am with Mr Wilson - I want proper exercise.
If you want to read Hugh Wilson's article it can be found here