Regular readers of these posts may have noticed that I have latterly been whinging a little about my knees and hamstrings, while at the same time trying to ignore them and train as usual. Well unfortunately, last night my hamstrings gave me a final warning, and this time I am going to listen.
Last night the session was 8 x 2 mins with 2 mins jog recovery, and as I was completing the third rep I received a rather painful tweak in the right hamstring. Deciding discretion was the better part of valour and attempting another rep would probably result in worse damage I decided to just jog the 3 miles back.
So its a couple of days stretching and TLC towards my hamstring.
If anyone is racing this weekend - have a good one
Last night the session was 8 x 2 mins with 2 mins jog recovery, and as I was completing the third rep I received a rather painful tweak in the right hamstring. Deciding discretion was the better part of valour and attempting another rep would probably result in worse damage I decided to just jog the 3 miles back.
So its a couple of days stretching and TLC towards my hamstring.
If anyone is racing this weekend - have a good one
Costs about £5 for a tube. If they ask you what it is for say "bruising". It's magic!
I'm drinking far more water now than I did and also a bit of hamstring warm up before the track session. Seems to be working. No hamstring trouble for quite a while. But previously quite a lot. Hope you will be OK for your Abbey Dash. Take care, terry
I hope the TLC will help a great deal.
Take care!